"Your Opinion"

Recently, I used to watch a number of TV-shows interviewing really wealthy men who remain being single due to one, but strong phobia: "she loves my money, not me". Yes, it must be awful if a bride (or worst, a wife) appears as simple seeker of adventure along with somebody's wallet. Yes, these sorts of situations are rather common in real life. However, one must realize, that there are no oaths to guarantee that"she loves him and only him". Why not to trust your heart and intuition, than just listen something so difficult to be verified? Anyway, lies hardly made any couple happy
I believe that both sides will be profitable in a case when truly positions and visions aren't hidden from each other. That is why I will simply list down, what I think about wealth and status of a Man, they are following:
- Willing and know-how to reach success and financial stability;
- Desire and possibility to create business and private partnership;
- Intention and opportunity to fix a healthy life-style for himself and his family, wife and children;
- Possibility to give a good education for kids;
- Positive mind, intelligence, and cleverness combined together with respectful social status.
Of course, a man who satisfies those criteria listed above is one, fully capable to provide himself more than "ordinary -good" life. As such, he might like to share his life with the decent woman, correspondingly worth of the high standards - a woman who will really love HIM, valuate his qualities and efforts. So, how to find a proof to the latter? Despite mails, socials, private meetings and parties, there is always a way to see the real intentions of sides, i.e. prenuptial agreement. In my opinion, many pieces of truth may be easily extracted during preparation of the P.A.!
Anyways, I believe that financial part of the marriage appears to be more protected compared to emotional part of join life, a risky one. Wealth would bring happiness for TWO in the only case when internal relationships will be comprising love and respect each to other, when mutual actions will be based on real shearing life in terms of mutual help, truth, and cordial feeling of comfort together.
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